Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Release Secure Apps With Mobile App Security Testing

We live in a world where our lifestyle is immensely influenced by mobile devices. From banking on the go to shopping online, a mobile phone is the go-to gadget. Mobile devices are even controlling our home, shopping and work devices.

Release Secure Apps With Leading
Mobile App Security Testing Company - QASource
However, the thriving mobile app ecosphere has also inherited the security risks as mobile devices are now the hot targets for hackers and intruders. So, let’s find out how the mobile app security testing can ensure that the mobile apps are safe for users and will not succumb to the threat of data breaches.
  • Data Encryption
    Data exchanged over a mobile app must be encrypted. Encryption ensures that even if data is leaked, the information is of no use to the intruders. This is because the data is scrambled using the latest encryption methodologies, such as SHA-3 standard, which ensures that the data is secured without inconveniencing the users.
  • Validate Third-Party Libraries
    Always ensure that the codes of third-party libraries are well authenticated before these are integrated into the app. Libraries are helpful, however, app developers should have access to their internal repositories which can enable them to secure the application from vulnerabilities in libraries.
  • Test Repeatedly
    Testing the app for security threats and exposure is a never-ending process. New threats arise every day and we need new and better solutions. So, mobile app testing services must include testing processes such as penetration testing which can test the app for vulnerabilities.
Mobile app enterprises must adhere to the above mentioned practices for mobile application security testing. To meet the security standards and protect your mobile apps, contact QASource today and add value to your business.

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